We all enjoy spending time outdoors in the summer with our dogs, but it is important to keep them hydrated and cool just like we do for ourselves. Unlike us, our four-legged companions don’t sweat to cool themselves. While we see them panting, we may not realize the amount of water they are actually losing. They lose water and release heat through a process called evaporation, which is the endothermic process of a fluid changing to a vapor.
bring large quantities of air in contact with the mucosal surfaces of the nose
and mouth by panting; this allows them to release heat primarily by
evaporation. Your dog's ability to cool himself through this method
effectively decreases as humidity increases; therefore, it is important to
consider the heat index. The heat index combines air temperature and relative humidity in an
attempt to determine what the temperature “feels like” to our bodies. So, while
we are sweating away and realize we are becoming dehydrated, we don’t realize
that “Fido” is also dehydrated. Once dehydrated, dogs are less able
to cool themselves through evaporative cooling. Much like a car without water
in the radiator, dogs will rapidly overheat and suffer from heat stroke.

of dehydration include the gums feeling tacky to the touch and the skin becoming
slow to return to its natural position when pulled up. Other signs include
excessive panting and a rapid heart rate. It is a good idea to evaluate your
dog before going out so you have an idea of what his normal hydration is like.
That being said, most veterinarians find it difficult to determine when a dog
is less than five percent dehydrated. Therefore, if you feel your dog is
dehydrated, it is better to err on the side of caution. Stop your activity,
offer your dog water and find a cool place in the shade for him to
to avoid dehydration in the summer sun, avoid activity in the middle of the day
and allow your dog time to get used to warm temperatures. In other words, don’t
take him for a long walk on the first warm day of the year. Also, always consider
your dog’s health and breed. Dogs with heavy coats, pre-existing
respiratory conditions (whether acquired or inherited) or who are overweight
are at a higher risk for having trouble as temperatures and humidity increase.
summer while you and your four-legged companion are out enjoying the weather, remember
to keep his hydration and the forecast in mind. Pay careful attention to cues
your dog may give that he is overexerting himself in the heat. It is
better to underestimate your dog's fitness and overestimate his dehydration
than to take a chance with heatstroke, which can have terrible
Written by Thomas Linnenbrink, DVM
Dr. Tom Linnenbrink
has practiced veterinary medicine for more than 12 years. He completed his
undergraduate studies in biology at Colorado State University and received his
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University’s School of
Veterinary Medicine in 2001. He worked as an intern in medicine and surgery at
Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine before moving to
Rochester, New York, to work as an emergency staff clinician, at Veterinary
Specialists and Emergency Services.